White House: Regulations.gov now easier to navigate


Regulations.gov, the federal government’s main pathway for online rulemaking, has gotten a user-friendly makeover, the Office of Management and Budget announced this week. The revamp follows President Obama’s executive order last year promoting more public participation and includes “innovative new search tools, social media connections and better access to regulatory data,” Cass Sunstein, administrator of OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, said in an official blog post.

You can read Sunstein’s post here; one innovation that he highlights is the ability to search regulations by broad categories such as as “defense, law enforcement and security” and “banking and financial.”  The new version went live Sunday and, to judge from a quick spin around the site, definitely seems more nimble and accessible than its predecessor. But we’re interested in hearing from folks who use regulations.gov. on a regular basis. If you’ve got some thoughts on the new version, feel free to email sreilly@federaltimes.com and let us know what you think.



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