Postal Service again restrained on top executives' pay in '12


The U.S. Postal Service continued to keep a comparatively tight lid in 2012 on senior executive salaries, according to its recently released annual report to Congress. By law, the Postal Service has to list all employees whose pay exceeded that of a Cabinet secretary. For calendar 2012, that threshold was $199,700; a dozen USPS executives and officers made more than that, down from 13 in 2011 and 38 in 2010, according to the official rundown.

Here’s the 2012 list (found on p. 66 of the annual report):

Paul Vogel, president, digital solutions, $312,175* **

Pat Donahoe, postmaster general and chief executive officer: $276,840

David C. Williams, inspector general: $263,684**

Ron Stroman, deputy postmaster general: $245,000

Anthony Vegliante, chief human resources officer and executive vice president: $240,000*

Joseph Corbett, chief financial officer and executive VP: $239,000

Megan Brennan, chief operating officer and executive VP: $235,000

Mary Anne Gibbons, general counsel and executive VP: $230,000*

Ellis Burgoyne, chief information officer and executive VP: $230,000*

Jo Ann Feindt, VP, Southern area operations: $224,300

Dean Granholm, VP, Pacific area operations: $219,116

Drew Aliperto, VP, Western area operations: $219,000

For fiscal 2013, incidentally, pay and bonuses for non-bargaining unit employees remained frozen, the report says, adding that this was the six straight year that compensation for executive officers was affected “by either a freeze in salary and/or a non-payment of performance lump sums.”

*Now holds a different position, is no longer with the Postal Service or was not in this position for the entire 2012 calendar year

**Includes annuity paid by the Office of Personnel Management


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  1. Retired Mailman on

    These bozos are already overpaid for their mis-management. They should all be removed by the BOG and sent packing. I’m sure that their corporate benefactors can find positions for them.

  2. What they deserve is RICO charges for breaking employee contracts, OSHA laws, and fraudulent data collection ( used to justify their own bonuses). Sad, but true.

  3. Top 5 guys at UPS salaries listed below.

    Name/Title Total Cash Equity Other Total Compensation
    D. Scott Davis
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer $1,475,737 $9,178,292 $40,292 $10,694,321
    David P. Abney
    Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer $643,649 $3,548,602 $17,383 $4,209,634
    John J. McDevitt
    Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Labor Relations $584,497 $1,648,336 $18,164 $2,250,997
    Kurt P. Kuehn
    Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer $597,519 $1,890,705 $28,612 $2,516,836
    David A. Barnes
    Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer $577,775 $1,595,999 $15,732 $2,189,506

    The execs at USPS make a fraction of what the people in the same jobs at UPS make.

  4. What we need to do is go out into the corporate world and pay some big bucks to get real talent on how to run a business. The only problem with that is the Congress, BOG and the PRC. The Postal Service has too many hoops to jump through to run business. Eliminate those hoops, hire some real talent and the Post Office would be doing well.

  5. Take a look at the academic credentials for the private sector folks vs. the USPS officers. In this day and age, it is difficult to understand how one becomes an officer without earned credentials.

  6. If you notice the list of top “guys” at UPS is a bit shorter then that of USPS…. My point being that USPS has waaay to many VP’s of this, Chief’s of that etc…. Why can’t USPS run as efficient as UPS in there elected positions? So yes, USPS top guys do make less in their assigned position. But there are so MANY!!!

  7. While their skillsets/abilities are rather dubious at best, the biggest perk is not the paycheck, but what they can “cultivate” for themselves outside the realm of the USPS. Make no mistake, THAT is the real bonanza.

    For those who may be interested in seeing the current pay levels (not including bonuses etc.) of anyone on the USPS payroll, go to: and enter the search criteria (it IS a matter of public record).

  8. well they knew what they was making when they came to the usps if they want to make that money go to the ups but the same guys you are standing up for say all the clerks , carriers , CCAs are all over paid but they are not ( do any of the real workers get BONUSES NOT they tell us if you take a gift from a customer you will be wrote up ) lol good luck michael

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