Furloughed DoD workers launch petition drive


Defense Department civilian employees are appealing directly to the Obama administration to end the furloughs that are taking a 20 percent bite out of the paychecks of many.

“We have taken sequestration harder than all the departments,” states the petition created today on the White House’s “We the People” site. “Department of Defense civil servants continue to ‘take one for the team’ and we will continue to do our service to our country, but would like our country to listen.”

The petition, which must attract 100,000 signatures in the next 30 days to merit an official response, comes a little over a week after furloughs began for some 650,000 DoD civilians. Pentagon leaders have told them to expect up to 11 unpaid days off by the end of the fiscal year in September.


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  1. After all the pay freezes, and no pay raises. Can you please treat us fair. Americans should come first before foreign nationals when it to pay raises and not getting furloughed. It is our tax money that us being used, never gave I felt betrayed and ashamed of my country. Please stop the furlough for federal employees.

  2. Those involved in this silly little exercise are truly tilting at windmills.

    This is just the start. Next FY, count on most every DoD employee being furloughed again, at least for 22 days.

    Count on a widespread RIF as well. If the DoD is successful in shedding the necessary 260,000 employees needed in order to live with sequestration, furloughs in FY15 might not be necessary. Further attrition through retirements will also help thin the ranks as reasons for staying on continue to evaporate which, in the outyears should prevent additional furloughs and RIFs. Given the likelihood of pay freezes lasting through FY22 as well as continued limited travel, training, etc, I see attrition rates exceeding earlier years, perhaps by a wide margin.

  3. Yeah, I agree with “grumpy”; the writing has been on the wall for some time now. I was just waiting for the first time SECDEF mentioned anything about RIF’s and sure enough…he has. It always seems once they work those words/ideas out into a public speech or forum…it eventually get’s acted upon in some way down the road.

  4. At least two of the branches of government are more concerned about the welfare of people in this country illegally than they are about the welfare of DOD employees.

  5. Congress hopes that furloughs and no pay raises will inspire feds to leave government service either on their own or by retirements hence no expensive buyout money.

  6. I would hope every DOD employee would sign the petition but since Congress and DOD have managed to demoralize the entire work force I wont be surprised if they didn’t sign the petition. All the different branches of DOD have professed that they care about civilian workers using phrases like “people first” “wingman” which we which have known was just smoke and mirrors. DOD and congress should now be in the planning stages for a 2014 RIF and hopefully another round of BRAC. One more example of why congresses approval rating is where it’s at. DOD expects loyalty from its employees, well they’ve proven based on this cluster f*** exercise the individual employee has value only in time of need and have forgotten the contributions and sacrifices made by the civilian work force since 9/11. Ill say it…. Thank you

  7. I would hope every DOD employee would sign the petition but since Congress and DOD have managed to demoralize the entire work force I wont be surprised if they didn’t sign the petition. All the different branches of DOD have professed that they care about civilian workers using phrases like “people first” “wingman” which we which have known was just smoke and mirrors. DOD and congress should now be in the planning stages for a 2014 RIF and hopefully another round of BRAC. One more example of why congresses approval rating is where it’s at. DOD expects loyalty from its employees, well they’ve proven based on this cluster f*** exercise the individual employee has value only in time of need and have forgotten the contributions and sacrifices made by the civilian work force since 9/11. Ill say it and actually mean it…. Thank you to all DOD employees for your service.

  8. Funny I remember when I washired as a Army Civilian and raised my right hand, faced the United States Flag and repeated:

    “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    Sad that not everyone takes this oath seriously.

    Thank You Elected Political Leaders for all you have (not) done.

  9. It seems sad how quickly we forget the origins of civil service. The civil service was created to provide jobs to the vets coming home from WWII and stir the economy. Later it grew into a viable program by maintaining our nation’s defense capability. Now our government would perfer bailing out multi-national banks and auto manufacturers and allow the vets and civil servents to starve. I wonder how much actual money will be saved once the stress of substained pay cuts results in illness – resulting in – work comp claims —- and the certanty of a castrosphic event – such as someone going Postal… The motto of “Excellence in all We Do” has degraded to “Excellence in all We Say” in reguards to our loyal DoD workers…

  10. Lots of good people are leaving for the private sector. This is my last year as a Government Employee. I have served 30 years and must say that this has got to have been one of the worst years ever. Congress is protecting itself but thumbing its nose at defense department employees. We make the sacrifice so they can keep theirs. I will be working in the private sector soon charging the Government 4 times for my current salary. Tell me how this is more efficient to the Government?

    I say if congress doesn’t put forth a reasonable budget and compromise a solution they should be forced to resign.

  11. Proud American on

    Every employee should be appealing this furlough decision through the Merit System Protection Board. We should be posting petition after petition, calling for resignations, changes to the law about how our leaders cannot be affected by any adverse action, etc. We must unite and work together to be treated fairly.

  12. The Furlough is not good for the morale and pride of the DOD work force. It has affected countless people within the DOD and private sector. The National Defense is at risk and a new Budget must be settled. The US has always taken pride in having the Best Defense in the nation.

  13. Make your vote count, when casting your vote in future elections, DO NOT select incumbent , it’s time to boot these no productive legislators out of office, ask them if they are willing to take a 20% reduction in pay like many Americans are suffering from furloughs, VOTE OUT INCUMBENTS….they get raises…we get furloughs….that’s just wrong… time for responsible legislators…

  14. Broke employee on

    We as Federal Employees are receiving our 20 % pay cut. Washington State just received a $3.5 million department grant to purchase land around the base in an effort to protect the Mazama pocket gopher, a species that has not even been listed as endangered or threatened. Plus the Department of Defense also issued a $1.75 million REPI grant to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida to protect tortoise habitat. Where are the Government priorities?? Why do we help other countries before helping our own country? If there is no money to pay the federal workers, how do we have money to help other countries, Gophers and tortoises???
    Army Times reports that this Furlough may carry over into the next Fiscal year if the Republican and Democrats don’t come up with a budget. I say they lead by example. Take 20% of those in Congress and all the politicians’ household income and see how fast they come up with a solution!!!!!

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