For those of you who follow environmental initiatives, the Air Force has been on a recycling kick recently. Whether its recycling scrap metal or trying to reduce waste by using compostable silverware, the Air Force is trying to cut down on as much garbage as it can.
And now it has a mascot for its efforts.
CHUCK-IT, the recycling mascot, targets children between the ages of 5 and 12 and is the latest addition to the “Win the War Against Waste” tool kit — an outreach campaign developed to support the Air Force’s worldwide environmental objectives for solid waste management.

I am not sure if its the crazed look or the skewed wheels, but this recycling monster is probably the most awesome environmentally friendly mascot since the "Toxic Avenger"
More quotes:
The CHUCK-IT mascot targets children but has appeal for those of all ages, said Nancy Carper, AFCEC’s integrated solid waste management specialist.
“Children often get stuck taking out the trash and recycling, so CHUCK-IT brings some fun to this not-so-fun chore,” she said.
The tool kit provides Air Force installations with outreach materials to help keep their campaigns fresh as they move toward achieving higher levels of waste diversion, Carper said.
I don’t have much more to add, except that I eagerly await the comic book and cartoon tie-in that will inevitably follow.