Postal Regulatory Commission balks at speeding review of USPS downsizing plans


There’s some moderately big news out of the Postal Regulatory Commission, which has denied the U.S. Postal Service’s request for fast-track review of plans to weaken first-class service standards and close  up to approximately 250 mail processing plants.

Last month, USPS lawyers had asked the commission to issue a legally required advisory opinion by mid-April. But in a Tuesday order, the PRC said “the complexity of the case appears to justify the schedule as issued.” Under that timetable, the commission won’t release the opinion until late July at the earliest.

Long story short, this is bad news for postal leaders eager to get the downsizing under way as soon as possible. Although the commission’s opinions are non-binding, they are closely read on Capitol Hill. Thus, it will be politically difficult for the Postal Service to proceed with any plant closings before this particular opinion comes out.

Those proposed closings are ultimately expected to eliminate 28,000 jobs, a fact that does not enthuse members of Congress with plants in their states or districts. To mollify them, the Postal Service has already promised to hold off on any closings until mid-May. The latest order, however, probably means nothing will happen until at least mid-summer.

The Postal Service is disappointed by the decision, spokeswoman Sue Brennan said in a statement. “However, we will continue to move forward with our processes and communicate fully with stakeholders, as we pursue efforts to optimize our network and cut costs.”


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  1. I hope the PRC can see what the USPS and the so called Postmaster General are trying to do with no regard for the employees. We bust our butts everyday to get the peoples mail processed and delivered and the they want to disrupt our lives with consolidations and closings. They, do not know what they are doing. The USPS is and always has been mismanaged. The delivery of mail will be slowed down and degraded with their plans. Ths US postal service as we know it will no longer exist if the USPS and Donahoe get their way.

  2. Just another case of Political influence. Congress is unlikely to help until election time. USPS cannot go on loosing millions of dollars a day.

  3. Committee members I thank you. The postal service has the option to extend business hours instead of shorting them as they have been doing for the last several years. They could expand retail options. Business 101 you have to be open to generate revenue.

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