One state spared from possible post office closings


Here’s a fun fact to know and share about the post office
downsizing process unveiled today: From Alaska to Rhode Island, every state
(and the District of Columbia) has post offices under review for closing.

Except one: Delaware, which is also the home state of one of
the U.S. Postal Service’s closest allies on Capitol Hill: Democratic Sen. Tom

Carper not only chairs the Senate subcommittee that oversees
the troubled mail carrier, he is also lead sponsor of the Postal Operations
Sustainment and Transformation (POST) Act, which is the Postal Service’s
preferred bill for addressing its many problems, mainly through a combination
of increased management flexibility and billions of dollars in refunds of federal pension overpayments, as identified by the agency’s inspector general and an outside actuarial firm.

Carper, however, sought no special treatment for Delaware, said spokeswoman
Emily Spain, who attributed the outcome to the review process used by the Postal
Service, which generally targeted post offices with low revenue or customer traffic numbers.

In an email this afternoon, USPS spokeswoman Sue Brennan said she thought
the result had more to do with the low number of post offices–only 70–in
Delaware as a whole.


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  1. Why then is it just like California and a Base is spared or even parts to the Brac. I don’t understand the favortisum.
    I think al baseas post Offices and what ever else is under the Gov. Control should have an automatic IG inspection and see if they are worth keeping open not just because of a Sentor, Congressmen Women, or what ever.

    Play Equal treatment for all and stick a few Investagators in their mist and see what happens. Just like we had in our Division in Barstow they had a couple new guys come in and right off from another Base Spies and they should have been to see the Garbage that goes on or nothing at all.

    I don’t know if any of this gets read by anyone but things should really be looked at for America and the Nation as a whole. A lot of non working class heros and a waste of tax Dollars.

    Maybe that’s the answer to it all send someone whom doesn’t advertise their coming and let the chips fall where they may.

    Sorry on American that is fed up with the coverings.

  2. Geinsus isn’t one with English. I have no clue what he is going on about except to bemoan his own existence. This isn’t altogether unexpected with someone who writes that bad and calls himself Geinsus.

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