Security clearance reform: What do you think?


The Obama administration took to the Senate yesterday to tout the progress they’ve made — and held — on speeding up background checks and adjudications for security clearances. A lot of people were there — the heads of the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Management and Budget, the Director of National Intelligence, a GAO expert, and a high-ranking Defense official.

But one key demographic was noticeably absent: The average federal employee and contractor who has to wait — sometimes for months — for his clearance.

That’s where you come in. We’d like to hear from you if you’ve recently gotten a security clearance, or are still waiting on a clearance. Are you seeing genuine progress, or are the claims of improvements just hot air? Did your clearance process take roughly 53 days to finish, as the administration says is currently the average for initial clearances? Or did it take you much longer? And are you still having trouble getting an agency to accept a clearance granted by a different agency?

E-mail me at to share your experiences. If you’d like to stay anonymous, that’s fine.


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  1. Finally Cleared on

    I don’t think it is any faster then when I got my first clearance. I guess it depends on when they start the clock on the whole clearance process to get the numbers that show that there were improvements.

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