WH talks government modernization


The White House held a modernizing government forum earlier this year, inviting more than 50 private-sector chief executive officers to share best business practices with government officials. The White House recently released a report of its findings from the forum — to view the full report, click here.

The results reported aren’t too surprising. The best practices shared by the CEOs were pretty clear — be more transparent, plan your IT projects better, and don’t let IT projects drag on for five years. Do things quickly and implement IT projects in stages to test whether they’ll work, the CEOs said.

Here are a few key points OMB says it will adopt:

  • Manage IT projects in a transparent form using tools such as the IT Dashboard.
  • Re-evaluate comprehensive IT review processes to make sure leaders know the status of major IT projects.
  • Create customer satisfaction surveys to gauge customers’ experiences with the government

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