New office to shutter NSPS


switch-off-400x400The Pentagon has less than two years to completely shut down its much-maligned National Security Personnel System, and it’s just set up a new office to do the job.

The NSPS Transition Office will oversee efforts to transition roughly 220,000 employees from the pay-for-performance system to their old personnel systems. For most, that will be the General Schedule. John James Jr., previously the executive director for logistics, maintenance and industrial operations at the Naval Sea Systems Command, will head the new transition office.

James will also oversee the design and implementation of a new department-wide performance management system that will likely resemble the one created under NSPS, as well as creating new hiring flexibilities and a new incentive fund.

The Pentagon statement emphasized that James’ office will proceed “deliberately and cautiously, without unnecessary delay, and with the least disruption to organizations, mission and workforce,” and said employees will not have their pay decreased during the transition. But about 4,000 employees now under NSPS could see their future pay raises halved as a result of the transition.


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  1. This is such an embarrassment. The fact that DoD has to admit that it is not capable of administering a pay-for-performance program is humiliating. Our command is 2/3 GS and 1/3 NSPS. All managers and supervisors were converted to NSPS 2 years ago. The new system provides incentive pay to be a supervisor and has resulted in an increase in supervisors actually performing quality supervisory duties. As a member of the HR team, this I can attest to.

    In the future, before canning a program that cost millions and millions of dollars, try soliciting comments and input from those who are HAPPY with the system instead of soley focusing on those not happy with it.

    You must be really naieve to believe that we are simply going back to GS. The powers to be have been tasked with coming up with ANOTHER Personnel Management System that will include pay levels commensurate with experience and performance and some hokey Bonus Compensation Board.

    Thank you Barack Obummer for halting change the ‘some’ couldn’t believe in.

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