We now return to our regularly scheduled programming


Our apologies if you were unable to read FedLine last night. We had an unexpected deluge of traffic after the Drudge Report linked to our blog about the National Association of Postal Supervisors taking offense at Obama’s dig against the U.S. Postal Service, which pretty much crashed our site. The crack Web staff at Army Times Publishing Co. and Gannett were on the case, however, and got us back up and running that evening.

And to all of our new readers who found us via Drudge, welcome! We hope you stick around and explore FedLine, as well as our award-winning newspaper, Federal Times. We offer a unique look inside the inner workings of the federal government — everything from mismanagement of government contracts to the ongoing woes of the Postal Service to exposing potential racial discrimination in pay raises at the Defense Department — that you won’t find elsewhere.


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