The Revolving Door: Tom Davis Edition


There has been a lot of attention on who is coming into government these days, but let us not forget who is leaving and where they are going.

Retiring Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va, one of the few members of Congress deeply involved and interested in government information technology and procurement issues, is joining the consulting firm Deloitte, a government contractor offering financial and consulting services. While serving on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Davis has been panned by watchdogs for his close ties to industry and praised by industry for his understanding of their needs.

According to Deloitte’s press release:

Davis will advise Deloitte’s clients on major trends, opportunities and challenges facing the federal government, with a focus on technology innovation and government transformation.

So even though he’s leaving Congress, we can expect to see Davis remain a player on the federal technology and procurement scene for the foreseeable future.


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