Welcome to FedLine!


Welcome to FedLine, the new blog from Federal Times!

I think you’ll find FedLine to be a great source of up-to-the-minute news, information and commentary from the Federal Times reporting and editing staff. Throughout each business day, we will post quick summaries and analysis on breaking news, such as congressional hearings, new reports and other news and events that affect federal managers and employees.

When our reporters and editors first hear about breaking news, so will you — on FedLine. Our hope is that you will check FedLine throughout the day to find out the latest happenings in the world of federal news — and then respond to what you read on the blog. We want to know what you think about the content on this site. How does the news we report affect you or your work? What angle of a story should we be covering that we’re not? Are we making too much out of a news story — or not enough? With FedLine, we hope to broaden our dialogue with you, the reader. So please tell us how we’re doing.

Steve Watkins, Editor


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