Browsing: tablet computer

The Federal Aviation Administration has saved money and increased efficiency since it began issuing iPads and Android devices to employees a year ago, an agency official said. FAA’s legal department, for example, uses iPads during cases it prosecutes to show radar images of air traffic conditions at the time of a contested incident. Such evidence often leads to defendants ending cases earlier, said Robert Corcoran, manager for architecture and applied technology at FAA. The legal department estimates that FAA saves about $100,000 per case when cases end early, Corcoran said Tuesday at the FOSE conference inWashington. FAA has issued 1,100…

The General Services Administration is considering a procurement for tablet computers that meet federal security standards and can easily integrate with various email platforms like Google and Microsoft Outlook. GSA issued a request for information to vendors this week for tablet computers that are manufactured by U.S.-based small businesses and meet federal encryption standards set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. “The General Services has received many statements of interest from customers within the agency and across government for tablet computers,” GSA said in the RFI posted on Vendors have until Feb. 20 to respond. Vendors are asked to include…