Browsing: pension

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., and National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley teamed up on a teleconference this afternoon to denounce a bill that would steeply cut federal employees pensions. Connolly and Kelley urged lawmakers to vote down HR 3813, the Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act, when it comes up for a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee vote tomorrow. (Connolly expects the bill will pass the Republican-controlled committee on a party-line vote, which he said would be unfortunate.) They denounced all the bill’s provisions, such as increasing contribution rates for current and future feds, switching to a high-five…

In case you missed it last night, here’s my interview with Capital Insider. I discussed the Office of Personnel Management’s problems getting federal retirees their complete annuities, and how they’re trying to make things right. [HTML1] And while we’re at it, Cindy Auten from the Telework Exchange was also a guest on the show. Hear her talk about the new telework bill and what it’s going to mean for feds. [HTML2] Capital Insider airs each at weeknight at 8 p.m. in the Washington area on cable channel 8, TBD TV. I appear on the show once a month to discuss…

Federal Times reporter Stephen Losey will appear on the TV show Capital Insider this evening to talk about the problems the Office of Personnel Management has had getting federal retirees their correct annuities. If you’re in the Washington area, tune into channel 8 (which now goes by the name TBD) at 8 p.m.

Two retirement security groups are highlighting a little-known provision in the federal government’s rules that could hurt some spouses or children of federal employees under the Civil Service Retirement System. If a CSRS employee leaves the federal government, but dies before applying for a pension, that employee’s spouses, former spouses or children would not receive a survivor annuity, the Pension Rights Center and Women’s Pension Project note. In a letter sent yesterday to the acting director of the Office of Personnel Management, the groups asked the agency to send a notice to CSRS employees reminding them of this wrinkle. Survivors of Federal…