After receiving my master’s in business administration in 1998, I did two stints with the IRS. I wasn’t happy with the pay and left in 2000. I rejected a tax analyst job at Price Waterhouse Coopers at the World Trade Center in favor of a job with a shorter commute and the same pay.
I made a wise decision on not taking the job in the World Trade Center, or I wouldn’t be here today. But there was a layoff at my company as military orders dropped, and I was let go.
For the third time I applied to the IRS and returned on Feb. 11, 2002. I vowed never to leave the IRS again since private companies have let go thousands of Long Islanders and corporations are outsourcing to Third World nations. I have learned to appreciate the job I have and not take it for granted.
Terzopoulos is lead contact representative, Accounts Management Operations, Brookhaven IRS Center, Holtsville, N.Y.