The Federal Aviation Administration has saved money and increased efficiency since it began issuing iPads and Android devices to employees a year ago, an agency official said. FAA’s legal department, for example, uses iPads during cases it prosecutes to show radar images of air traffic conditions at the time of a contested incident. Such evidence often leads to defendants ending cases earlier, said Robert Corcoran, manager for architecture and applied technology at FAA. The legal department estimates that FAA saves about $100,000 per case when cases end early, Corcoran said Tuesday at the FOSE conference inWashington. FAA has issued 1,100…
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New technology and innovation in the federal government won’t come from increased budget growth as it has in the past, federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel said Tuesday. Agencies will have to embrace what VanRoekel calls a “cut and invest” strategy by decreasing or eliminating funding for older projects and pouring that into new technology like cloud computing. “In government we don’t have a culture of take from the old and give to the new,” VanRoekel said at the Federal Office Systems Expo on Tuesday. VanRoekel said funding for new projects will come from initiatives like Shared First and data…
Martha Johnson, administrator for the General Services Administration, spoke with reporters this afternoon at FOSE. She’s only been in the job for about two months and is learning where the agency should go. GSA is at a “crossroads,” she said, and can either stay the same or fight to grow. She thinks it should grow and improve communications and responsiveness with the needs of both agencies and companies who contract with GSA. What’s in our hands and what I’ve got some real sense of is the whole notion of upping our performance, simply cleaning up and performing better for our…