Do you have the budget and resources to get the job done?


The sequester is upon us. Budgets are being slashed, pay is frozen and your agency is not hiring anyone. Yet despite all of that, you have a job to do. The only question is, do you have the resources you need to get the job done? Are your workloads increasing?

The results of the government’s latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey suggest this is a problem across the government. The percentage of employees who disagree or strongly disagree with the statement “I have sufficient resources to get my job done” climbed from 34.1 percent in 2011 to 35.1 percent in 2012. And the percentage of employees who disagree or strongly disagree that “My workload is reasonable” also increased from 24 percent in 2011 to 24.9 percent last year.

We are interested in hearing from you all about these issues — especially if you work at the Veterans Affairs, Agriculture or Housing and Urban Development departments.

Feel free to comment below or you can e-mail me at to vent to your heart’s content.


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  1. One of the first things to go (every time budgets get cut) is employee travel and training. Training is a big issue. When you can’t train your employees, you can’t grow the organization. Employees are retiring and new employees are not being trained properly.

  2. I will be honest–I don’t think workload is necessarily going to increase because we already have too many employees. It used to be hard to get into Fed service, and now every Tom, Dick and Harry can get a “hookup” from a buddy, kick down the front door, and walk in as a highly paid Fed employee. It’s outrageous. We drank from the well until it ran dry, and now we’re dying of thirst.
    I have worked for the Fed gov for 17 years, and I’ve slowly seen the decline in both employee quality and output. We now have 5 people doing what 2 used to be fully capable of accomplishing. And why? Just to have more people? That’s outrageous. An abundance of employees breeds laziniess and greed–and one only needs to look at our current budget climate to see that.

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