VA CIO trades laptop for iPad


The Veterans Affairs Department still plans to make iPads and iPhones available for use on its network by Oct. 1, Chief Information Officer Roger Baker said this week.

More than 100 workers–including Baker– are participating in pilot programs at VA hospitals across the country. Baker said he broke down and ditched his laptop for an iPad, “and it works pretty nice.” His tablet computer is connected to the network, and email data is stored on the device. Medical information will be encrypted and stored on an approved medical application.

But the main focus is the clinician because “that’s where the real demand comes from,” he said.

The data on Baker’s iPad is encrypted and secured by double password protection. “The only way that VA information is going to reside on the device is with that protection,” he said.


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  1. It would be great if they started issuing the Ipads to the Veterans too so that we can also be up to date on my medical care as well.

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