Over and over again: The debt limit story


The debt limit deal is in the Senate, and President Obama is expected to sign it. Which means all this debt limit craziness is over … right?

Here is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-K.Y.) on Fox News with Neil Cavuto.

(My own emphasis has been added).

MCCONNELL: It set the template for the future. In the future, Neil, no president — in the near future, maybe in the distant future — is going to be able to get the debt ceiling increased without a re-ignition of the same discussion of how do we cut spending and get America headed in the right direction. I expect the next president, whoever that is, is going to be asking us to raise the debt ceiling again in 2013, so we’ll be doing it all over.

And of course, agency budgets are due before fiscal year 2012 begins Oct. 1, or the government will be facing another shutdown. And the new deficit reduction commission will be making their recommendation on cuts a few months after that.

Plus the FAA is still in shutdown.

So what are your thoughts on all of this? How will the rest of the year shake out?


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1 Comment

  1. Your Logo on FedLine that shows the dome of the capital building on its side says it all. Washington is broke and it doesn’t appear it will be fixed anytime soon. Right now the only thing holding it together is lies and duct tape.

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