The new telework bill: What do you think?


There’s a lot of new requirements in the telework bill Congress passed last week. Agencies will have to:

  • Establish a telework policy and notify employees of their eligibility to telework within six months,
  • Require teleworkers and their managers sign agreements outlining their responsibilities,
  • Set up an interactive training program for employees and managers,
  • Incorporate telework into their continuity of operations plans,
  • Designate a Telework Managing Officer, and
  • Report on their telework progress.

But will these provisions actually have an effect on the amount of teleworking that goes on in the federal government? We’d like to find out what you think. What logjams do you see that restrict teleworking opportunities, and will the bill address those? Or does the bill not tackle the real problems limiting telework?

E-mail me at If you’d like to talk anonymously, that’s fine.


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  1. An overpriced and overbloated Intra system that is controlled by a contractor who have no idea what the federal workers needs are… (or they don’t care). The brainless powers in-charge over the last decade issued most workers desktop computers, when at nearly the same cost they could have issued laptops and been prepared for this legislation. This telework won’t go far with agencies and activities outside the beltway. When OPM shuts the feds down, we go to work, even tho we are about 50 miles from the beltway and have the same weather, sometimes worse. The powers in charge claim that military bases outside the beltway are not under OPM and the base or installation commander decides. Of course, most of them live ON THE base… so they don’t care about commuting. I’ve seen Maryland counties shut down cause of dangerous roads and bridges from weather… but this commander announces libreal leave… ha! what a putz!

    Unless this is mandated, this will go nowhere for us outside the beltway… except a few elite and good ole boy club members. They’ve been so-called teleworking for a long time.. without any oversight! You think about it!

  2. Unless mandated this will not apply to my agency even though we could all work from home and probably get more accomplished. My spouse works from home 2-3 days a week and is very productive. It saves that agency a lot in the commuter benefits cost since my spouse does not have to utilize that and helps the environment too! If mandated that all personnal shall have the opportunity to work at least 20% telework in their weekly schedule that would solve part of the problem. We already have Citrix dial in capability so that is not a problem. Last year we were shut down because of antiquated management principles denoting “no working from home”.

  3. Hey Spanky – Maybe it’s just me who does not understand, but what exactly are you complaining about? The weather,
    the desktop vs. laptop, the policy, the contractor, OPM or
    no paid snow days? Unclear what you want us to think about.

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