No deal yet on USPS retiree health payment


It’s down-to-the-wire time again for the U.S. Postal Service as it seeks congressional help in dodging much of a $5.5 billion payment due next Thursday into its retiree health benefit fund.

“We’re in discussions with committee staff,” USPS spokesman Gerry McKiernan said today. While a continuing budget resolution is a likely vehicle for a partial waiver,  he said, “there’s nothing definitive yet.”

Last month, the Postal Service warned of a cash crunch if it had to make the full payment, which is required under the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act.

Under similar circumstances last year, Congress allowed the Postal Service to pay only $1.4 billion of the required $5.4 billion installment, with the balance being pushed off into the future.  In that case, lawmakers took matters down to the last minute and beyond. The payment was due Sept. 30; the waiver actually became law on Oct. 1.


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  1. If the post office over paid by 6.8 billion dollars why are we still making payments sounds like somebody has got a great slush fund going

  2. We need to continue to pound the point home to our Congress people and keep the pressure on. This is outright graft and needs to be eliminated and reimbursed. Whose pockets are getting lined now? Or is Potter just piling up a slush fund for his leaving days shortly ahead after he disengages the service?

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