Anyone for three-day-a-week mail service?


Unenthusiastic about the U.S. Postal Service’s proposal for five-day-a-week mail service? Consider the possibility of every-other-day delivery.

That’s today’s deep thought, courtesy of the USPS’ inspector general’s blog. We won’t even begin to list the politically influential groups that would pounce on the idea if the Postal Service sought to pursue it, but for the sake of argument, here goes:

As the IG notes, a study earlier this year predicted that the average amount of daily mail per “delivery point” will fall from 3.8 pieces to 2.8 pieces by 2020. If that prediction holds good, then more households will receive no mail on any particular day (that already happens occasionally, a Fedline colleague confirms). “Therefore, postal delivery may only be needed three day a week,” the IG says. “Some homes could receive mail on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, while others, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.”

Customers who still needed six-day-a-week delivery could use post office boxes, thus generating more revenue and added traffic for the Postal Service, the IG continues.  And while delivery would be less frequent for the rest of us, a thrice-weekly “mail moment” might feel more significant. And it might generate some significant savings for the Postal Service,  the IG estimates–on the order of $10 billion per year.


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  1. adrienne klinghagen on

    I trully take a lot of pride in providing such a needed service for every single customer on every route I do. People need to feel a sense of urgency and importantce when it comes to relying on the Postal Service to promply deliver checks, packages, catalogues, and even a simle birthday card. The public depends on us to provide this service every day and they are willing to put up with rate increases to get the service they expect. Most people look foward to getting their mail daily regardless of what time of day it is.

    Adrienne Klinghagen

  2. Your still missing the point. Thats still 6 days. By getting delivery to 5 days that means that one carrier covers one route, without the need for a floater. Now 2 days one week 3 days the next that is 50% less carriers and no floaters… nevermind that will never fly.

  3. Excuse me, but did someone fall on their head? The idea of alternate home delivery is so bazaar that it would take someone with extreme brain damage and NO knowledge of mail delivery to come up with this idea. Rural routes have to be run the same even if customers don’t get mail for that day. We need to get rid of the pencil pushers and bean counters and replace them with people that understand the system out in the field.

  4. As FCM volumes continue to spiral downwards it will take some real outside the box thinking to save this institution. This idea really is not so far fetched. Without question, you will have major obstacles to hurdle with the organizations (both management and craft) but if they truly want to save the USPS they need to be willing to listen.

  5. I have seen a lot in the post office. this will only give the carrier more overtime each week, it will kill the express mail service, just let see what happens.

  6. Anyone for three-day-a-week mail service?
    I live in a snow state and I know Postal workers here don’t always have a good day. I really wouldn’t mind a 3 day mail week.(Mon.-Wed.-Fri.) Post Office open Mon-Sat. I feel if you would want to get your mail 6 days a week then open a post office box. Not only will this allow you to pick up mail 6 day out of the week, but mostly will help the Post office(money-wise) with new customers opening new B.O box’s.

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