Fed Times on the air: Intel pay and the politics of raises


Shameless self-promotion time: I’ll be on News Channel 8’s Federal News Tonight program this evening at 7:30 to talk about a few controversial issues we’ve been covering lately.

I’ll first talk about Federal Times’ exclusive look at an upcoming report on problems with the intelligence community’s pay-for-performance system. And then we’ll discuss the growing controversy about federal pay raises and the Republican push to cut them to help balance the budget.


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  1. I am sure that these Senator and Representatives will be more than glad to vote to decrease their salaries. The idea is that they want to vote to increase taxes, lower salaries, and destroy the American Way of Life. While so many people are losing there homes due to foreclosures, the government wants to drive every American from their homes. I am so sick of Democrats and Republicans. Neither of these political parties care about people.

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