Defense finalizes interagency contracting rules


Earlier, I mentioned that the Government Printing Office continued to churn out key publications that enable the business of government, such as the Federal Register, despite the snow closures in the D.C. area.

Thanks to the dedicated GPO workers who braved poor roads and spotty public transportation service, Defense procurement officials — and the civilian agencies they buy from — have clear and final guidance on how to carry out interagency contracting deals.

Today’s Federal Register includes the final version of an interim rule published in July. The rule, which was mandated by the 2008 Defense authorization bill, allows DoD to buy goods and services from non-Defense-agency contracts only if:

  • The non-Defense agency promises to follow DoD procurement rules.
  • DoD’s undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics agrees the interagency purchase is in the department’s “best interest.”

The rule applies to purchases over the $100,000 simplified acquisition threshold.


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