Find your 2010 raise


Federal employees already know they’re getting a 2 percent overall pay increase for 2010, but the actual raise each employee receives varies widely depending on where they work.

To help employees determine their 2010 salaries, the Office of Personnel Management has posted updated pay charts for employees in the General Schedule, Senior Executive Service and other pay systems.

We here at Fedline are glad to pass them along, but you know the saying: Don’t kill the messenger.


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1 Comment

  1. Margaret Wallace on

    I know you realize now that the Federal employees/retirees didn’t get a pay raise this year — just like Social Security recipients. I’m “glad” to see Congress managed to get their raise (oh, I know, it’s automatic, but I didn’t hear of anyone introducing a bill to turn it down. And they wonder why their constituents don’t trust them.

    Editors note: Federal employees did receive a pay increase for 2010. Federal retirees did not receive a Cost of Living Raise.

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