UPDATED: NSPS review board wants to hear from you


UPDATE: The official release is now online here. Written comments should be sent to:

Defense Business Board
ATTN: Ms. Phyllis Ferguson
2521 South Clark Street, Room 650
Arlington, VA 22202

ORIGINAL POST: The three-man board reviewing the National Security Personnel System is about to formally announce its two-day schedule of public meetings. The second day — June 26 — will be devoted to hearing the thoughts of Defense Department employees and managers under the controversial pay-for-performance system.

Pentagon spokesman Les’ Melnyk just told me that the board wants anyone interested in testifying to write a letter — not an e-mail, not an online comment, but an old-fashioned paper-and-envelope letter — with their thoughts, concerns and suggestions regarding NSPS. The board will pick the best-argued letters and invite their writers to the all-day meeting, which will be held in Arlington, Va. Melnyk said the review board will not accept electronic forms of communication because it doesn’t want to get spammed by multiple copies of form letters.

The board will consider all letters received before June 18. The first hearing, June 25, will run from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and will feature experts who have previously testified before Congress, such as NSPS program executive officer Brad Bunn and representatives of the American Federation of Government Employees.

The review board is chaired by former deputy secretary of Defense Rudy deLeon. The other two members are Michael Bayer, chairman of the Defense Business Board, and Robert Tobias, an American University professor and former president of the National Treasury Employees Union.


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  1. Pay for performance should be scraped it is a moral killer, this whole concept behind this pay for performance is a waste of tax payer’s money. I am scratching I head trying to figure out why anyone would want this nonsense to go forward..

  2. Andrew, If things worked as they were designed, it would not be a morale killer. It is basically a ‘good ole boys’ club and those who smooth the most butt will be getting the spoils of our hard work at appraisal time. Supervisors need to be more objective and be willing to not give 4 and 5 ratings to those who do not deserve them. This NSPS program needs to be scrapped if bosses cannot rate objectively. Simple as that.

  3. NSPS, is not and will not support pay for performance as long as manager use it to rate down the worker to put money in there pockets! If you support your application and ask for the server team to get the server working to support and then said that they do not support the application. This is BS as this support from the server team did not load and config the sendmail util. The hold NSPS system SUCKS

  4. donquijote451 on

    The new system would be good to measure employee’s performance as a measure of what we accomplish and how good we accomplish it. It will not compensate your inability to spell out words and lack of putting together sentences.
    What a concept; pay for performance. Isn’t that how we should be rated rather than getting paid for just showing to work? The “merit” system is a travesty and I don’t want to go back to it.

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