Should the CEO of a company posting billions in annual losses receive a 50 percent raise and a six-figure bonus?
And I’m not talking about the banks, or the crumbling auto companies. I’m talking about the U.S. Postal Service.
ABC News reported last night that the postmaster general, John Potter, received almost an $80,000 raise last year — his base salary is now $263,575 — along with a $135,041 “incentive bonus.” This in a year when the Postal Service posted a $2.8 billion loss. Throw in retirement benefits and other perks, and his annual salary comes to more than $850,000.
I don’t have a position on Potter’s raise and “incentive bonus,” though I’d love to hear your opinions in the comments section.
Once again, though, we have an example of the Postal Service’s odd “hybrid” status — as something in between a private company and a government agency. Congress encourages the Postal Service to act more like a business; private CEOs tend to receive hefty bonuses. And Potter still earns much less than the CEOs of private shipping companies like FedEx and UPS.
But the ABC story has generated a lot of indignant comments about Potter’s salary. The public obviously doesn’t view the Postal Service like a private business.
FIRE THE USELESS TOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMAZING to get that kind of raise, that kind of bonus.
Incentive to do what? He is a CEO not in touch with reality,
out of touch with the workforce. How many letters, parcels and express pieces have to be sold to pay that salary and bonus. How many workers, people doing production, handling, delivering the mails will be laid off when the five day delivery starts? TRIM the fat in managment, start with the top. I work for the Post Office, have for many years, this to me is disgusting. I have no faith in the bs from managment. One will lie the other will swear to it. They are all wanting to be fat cats like Potter. TOO many chiefs, need indians to do the WORK to pay those fat cats at the top. I HOPE the postal board of governors sees this and fires him for accepting it, if not they should be all dismissed.
If you found yourself in a life boat with postal management, they would hand you 2 pairs of oars then curse you for not rowing fast enough, while they stuffed their pockets with rations. I thank God I made it to retirement.
Potter new that this was a goverment job when he accepted it, and the pay that went along with it. Now to cry about private companies CEO;s and what they make is a bunch of B.S. I say to Potter quit the PO and see how many companies will hire him to run their company. I bet the answer will be Now that he has ruined the Postal Service he should be FIRED 20 times over. By the way Potter I made it 33 yrs by working hard everyday and not sitting on my (yours in this case) fat A** and flushing the P.O down the toilet. 5 more months of your Crap
Potter, his management staff, the Postal Board Of Governors, all the affiliated Administrative Personelle, Postmasters, and most supervisors are all cost drivers that is the sole reason why people will be paying 2 cents more for stamps in May … I would venture to say that Congress could ‘clean-up’ this bloated cog of a management staff with little or no loss in customer service, resulting in a slimmer and more trim postal service that is able to respond better to market conditions
Potter is taking a note from AIG…..
Run the bussiness in the ground and still get an $850,000 salary.
These high level positions have abused their power of authority instead of being interested in reality. Perhaps there should be oversight in the future.
You have up to 8 postal management personnel in one facility that doesn’t even have 100 employees on the clock. Then they have their upper managers talking on the phone.
In my 10 years here I’ve seen it totally mismanaged. There were 5 tugs drivers and 5 supervisors yet they could care less about the “celebrity driver” who didn’t do a 1/2 days work.
Most supervisors are in the $70,000 range and the Plant Managers are in the $133,000 range. Yet they have no ability to manage the work force or the flow of the mail. Same problem because you have the same non problem solvers.
I predict the USPS will cease to exist in a few years. 1,400 cut of managers isn’t near enough. It should be at a minimum of 15,000.