Tomorrow the transition starts. But the Bush Administration isn’t over yet. It is still plugging away on its initiatives, as evidenced by the fact the Office of Management and Budget posted the latest President’s Management Agenda scorecard on Nov. 3.
The stoplight-style scorecard, which may or may not survive transition to the new president, has an abundance of green these days, indicating success in achieving President Bush’s management priorities. According to the scorecard, agencies did very well at achieving their human capital and performance improvement goals this quarter. Commercial services management, e-gov, and financial performance were a bit tougher for agencies with 12 of the 24 graded agencies earning a red score for one or more of those initiatives.
But that is significantly less red, indicating failure, than was seen when the scorecard was introduced in 2002.
Enjoy the latest scorecard here and feel free to reminisce about this and previous quarters in the comments section below.
P.S. Birdies tell us you can expect to see one more scorecard from OMB before the Bush Administration turns out the lights on Jan. 20.