Full-sized liquids on planes in 2009?


Yes, business travelers, you may be able to start carrying on full-sized toothpastes and shampoos when you fly in 2009.

That’s according to the Transportation Security Administration, which says it’s working to beef up screening processes and speed up airport security lines. Current regulations ban carrying on most liquids, gels and aerosols in containers larger than 3 ounces.

A TSA official told USA Today that the restrictions could be lifted in 2009, though travelers would still need to put any liquid or gel containers in a separate bag for X-ray machines. By 2010, passengers may even be able to keep those liquids in their carry-on bags during the screening process. Better machines are being developed that can differentiate between dangerous chemicals and harmless styling products.

So, when the airlines lose your luggage (that you’ve paid extra to check), at least you’ll have plenty of your own shampoo and toothpaste.

To read the full USA Today story, click here.


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  1. Pingback: International Travel: When Obama’s President Will I Be Able to Bring Toothpaste on Airplanes Again? | Blowback

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